What does it actually mean to have a privately owned global monetary system?
Economic slavery, wealth of nations being sucked, lost sovereignty and living under the most evil cartel on earth.
Imagine having a global money master with unlimited power and no public regulation or supervision on its investments or conduct. This is exactly what we have today and during the last 111 years since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.
It’s a well known fact by now that there’s been a conspiracy by the bankers to take total control over the American banking system and use it to achieve global power.
The true story of humanity's last two centuries is all about this: bakers crimes against humanity. French Revolution, Napoleonic Wars, civil wars, 2 world wars to culminate with a world bank, an International monetary fund and a United Nations board of directors to control the nations.
No more global conflicts since then… because that was the whole goal to establish a private global credit system based on FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES formerly known as US dollars.
Millions of innocent people had to die and powerful sovereign nations had to give up their sovereignty to the money masters of the world: The soulless international bankers.
A debt free and public owned monetary system was the enemy that bankers killed and it was at the same time people's best friend in order to achieve prosperity and happiness. Napoleon did it and it worked. France was going to take over the world leading by its example, so it was stopped and Napoleon defeated and killed by the banking cartel.
The founding fathers of the United States were one of the biggest enemies of the European bankers and they wrote the Declaration of Independence and the constitution to get rid of the.
A sovereign debt free based monetary system was a direct attack to their privately owned debt based European monetary system. The American system was a promise to the world, it was the key to make America great: a prosperous and wealthy nation at the beginning of the new century.
But it had to be stopped! Bankers cannot permit to see people getting wealthy, sovereign and free. They want poor dependent slaves working to achieve the banking interest only. They don't need an educated and productive society, they only want obedient slaves and stupid consumers. They have no soul nor compassion for humans.
I'm describing simple facts, well known by everyone who has studied the last two centuries of power and political shifts. Some of the most important dates to understand the creation and the incorporation of this banking cartel are: 1913, 1933, 1944, 1954 and 1971.
The Federal Reserve was incorporated in the United States of America, when the Republic was given away to the cartel and it was officially the end of the American system of sovereignty and prosperity (1776-1913). This was officially the end of the sovereign dollar and the beginning of the privately owned FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES.
By this bill congress gave away its power to issue debt free currency to the bankers that will create it out of thin air and loan it to the government (“We the people”) at interest.
Can you see how stupid this is? How can you “lend” something you just created with no work or effort and demand to be paid back plus “interest”?
And if that was not enough you demand a lien on my property in the case i don't pay back the worthless bank promissory note you just gave me. It 's nonsense for me.
But this system was established more than a century ago. And with it bankers got power to infinitely expand and contract the monetary supply. This is called elasticity and we are going to get into details soon, but you have to understand that this is the power to create prosperity or misery because currency and credit are the blood of society.
Of course they used this power to expand this system of control all around the world.
With this power in their hands the American economy was artificially put into the worst recession ever so the bankers could take over every important American corporation buying their stocks for pennies with monopoly money created out of thin air.
Of course this recession was felt by every nation on earth and most of them were facing a very difficult situation coming out of a world war: but it was the perfect moment for the greedy bankers to keep expanding their power.
Again I'm describing simple facts, not making this shit up.
And as if that was not enough they officially bankrupt the government to transfer all its sovereignty, power and money to the bankers board of directors. They literally took the gold from the American people and replaced it with worthless promissory notes.
The United States (debtor) is since then 100% in the hands of a private corporation. Its sovereignty and power was transfered to the creditors: the Federal Reserve board.
They achieve total power over the American government and Corporate America in their hands. This means: owning the means of production of raw materials, the industry, the military force, the working force, the public press to manipulate public opinion, and every industry you can think of under the same trust spider net controlled by the spider of the money trust.
With this power on hand they started a second world war to take total control over the world. They killed Germany’s power to issue its own debt-free public currency and its fast growing power and sovereignty.
They used this war to send every sovereign nation left on earth a message: “We are willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get this global credit monetary system. So don't resist or you will suffer the consequences. You will fill the weight of the most power military industrial complex.
With the establishment of the World Bank, the International monetary fund and the United Nations the bankers goals were achieved: A global bank and a global government to control the world.
What they did was force all the nations to leave behind the gold standard that was created by the same bankers few decades before to enter into the new “dollar standard” better defined as the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES STANDARD. This was going to be a convertible kind of thing when every nation will have the capacity to “redeem” their worthless promissory notes for the shiny metal. This was never meant to be the case and many knew this but they were forced under the threat of violence.
44 of the most important nations accepted this system and they started accumulating US dollars instead of gold in their vaults in exchange for the goods and services they provided. What this actually means is that you are surrounding your sovereignty over a private corporation and its policy because you are under their jurisdiction while contracting with them. Every bank holding Federal Reserve Notes has to follow their guidance and policies or is restricted access to this private and permission based system.
On the other side the United States (bankers public face / legal fiction) will just print (deficit spending backed by taxpayers) any amount amonut it needed and everyone was forced to accept it in exchange for real wealth.
Some people call this “the privilege of issuing the global reserve currency” . I call it fraud and crime based on violence. This is formerly described as fascism because it the fusion between corporate and state power. Because that’s what it is: all done under the threat of violence.
We are lead to believe we live in a democracy and we choose our representatives, but anyone with at least 2 neurons still functioning can realized this is far form being the case. We officially live under global Big Brother, a fascist technocratic slavery system.
It’s a global plantation of slaves a.k.a “tax-payers” to extract our wealth, steal our time and our energy. This is all done through the private credit based fractional reserve system. All in the hands of the Federal Reserve: A private corporation (not part of the government or federal) with no reserves at all. So it literally started with a very deceitful name.
In this year the Uniform Comercial Code was implemented in the US and started being implemented world-wide. This is a privarte copyrighted code that regulates the relations between debtors and creditors. It’s has everything to do with fiat currencies and bank credit; the only mediums of exchange we use at a mass scale today: both of them privately owned.
This was the beginning of an undeclared silent weapons and quiet war. A war for your wealth and the wealth of your country in exchange for fake credits units given by the international bankers.
It was a plan designed to bankrupt every individual and nation on earth with their legal trickery and army of soulless and obedient lawyers, using deceitful practices around codes and regulations regarding credits, debts and collaterals.
The craziness went exponentially worse when we definitely abandoned this Bretton wood agreement that linked FRNs (federal reserve notes) and the United States declared virtually bankrupted worldwide. It failed to deliver its promise to exchange the fake paper currency for real money (gold) as it was expected to happen.
From that date an era of total craziness, speculation, financial volatility, unproductive forex transactions and floating exchange rates will take over the market totally demoralizing and forgetting what they were meant to be and to deliver to the public.
With a total abandonment of a standard of value everything went crazy. Crime, divorce rates, quality of food, quality of education, quality of architecture, of arts, of culture, of science.
This is what we call officially the beginning of the FIAT ERA. To choose this date is totally arbitrary because the problem was evident waaay before but this was definitely the point of no return. All the evils that started growing at the beginning of the century and were well documented by respected patriots from different professions started growing exponentially.
The duty of public officials was totally forgiven and the “dollar” was put before the welfare of the people. The business world was turned into a complete wild jungle with not morals, rules or limits.
Market manipulation
With total power over the global reserve currency (FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES) the international bankers have total control over its supply. Under the fractional reserve banking system we are operating under, banks can loan up to x10 times more bank credit (air / laverage) than their cash reserves (water / liquidity). But since the reserve is a paper currency that can be created in unlimited amounts so the credit can expand and contract much more aggressively creating craze volatility cycles.
Prices are like a sponge to the supply of currency and credit. The more there is, the higher the prices the less there is the lower the prices. When you control the monetary policy (banks) and fiscal policy (government) at the same time you have total control on how you want to expand and contract the monetary supply and by this you can literally manipulate the value of all the property, human labor, securities, bonds, etc.
Having the knowledge of the decisions you’ll take and how that will affect the markets you can always choose the right side of the trade and multiply your wealth multiple times.
During the last century since the FED was created bakers multiplied their wealth at least x18.000 times. While you, your father and your grandfather had to “earn a living” bankers just sit on their asses and multiplied their assets manipulating markets and stealing from the producer and working class.
Margin Trading
The biggest evil of our modern system is Margin Trading. This practice incentives gambling and speculating over working or producing. Our global economy has turned into a casino thanks to Wall Street and our markets have been demoralized by this practice.
The fact that you can take a loan against any security to bet on the price of other security going up or down is mind blowing. But the worst part is that there’s a greedy banker deciding the direction of the market, putting the lever up or down to liquidate your collateral effectivly getting your wealth for free.
The fact is that when you “buy” a security with leverage you never own any stock on the company or real title is transferred. You literally just have exposure to the price of it, for the period of time that you can afford to pay commissions and interest. It does not matter if you sell it at a profit or at a loss, you always pay fees, commissions and interest to the brokers (banker).
Heads you lose, tales they win. As we say in Spanish “la casa siempre gana”, the house always wins. 99% of speculators are just sheep entering the slaughterhouse. 99% of them end up losing all their money on the bear side of the “market cycle” better defined as the liquidity cycle.
If a lucky trader somehow got into the market during the accumulation phase and they somehow held onto their assets through the bull market and multiplied their wealth it was because they were lucky the majority of the time because very few of them truly understood the market dynamics guiding the trend. Even if this is the case most probable thing is that they will end up losing those gains and part of the initial capital (if not everything) during the bear market (contraction of liquidity and deleveraging) that will inevitably come after.
Demoralizing of society
The fact that gambling, cheating, lying, stealing and manipulation are part of the incentives given by our broken monetary system, these immoral practices get reflected in our culture and society.
This is not new at all, there's a clear relationship between the quality of money and the morality of a society. Then the morality of society gets reflected in every aspect of human civilization: Architecture, food, arts, education, sports, culture, music, etc.
When morality improves; every aspect of society improves, when morality decreases every aspect of society decreases.
It’s crystal clear to me that our modern society is completely demoralized because of our degenerate monetary system. You can see this in government corruption, in the media lies and manipulation, in universities indoctrination, in the low nutritional lvl of big food companies, in the modern music, in the architecture, and I could keep going given thousands of examples, but you get my point.
Our broken monetary system is the root of all evils of our modern society and every of these trends has been getting worse since we definitely abandoned gold.
Plan B
But there’s hope. Since the last great financial crisis of the year 2008 where the bankers stole trillions of dollar from the global population a group of super smart likeminded individuals developed a parallel system.
This new monetary system is based on math, no trust. And it’s backed by energy, no debt / slavery. Since then million of individuals around the world had gotten the opportunity to jump on a rescue boat from the sinking Titanic of the FRNs fiat system. A system that’s been damaging society as a whole since its inception.
With the coming the Bitcoin protocol it was posible to start dreaming again. Freedom was made posible with a system that works outside of the old system. A new age of fair commerce, of fixed monetary policy, of common rules from everyone, permissions, decentralized, public, and global.
A system design for this Era that also fixes the incentives, to produce instead of speculate, to save instead of spend, to take care of health instead of growing sicknesses, to tell te truth instead of lying.
This is just the beginning, the development of a new society is in our hands and we all have a personal responsibility to add value to this new system and this new renaissance.
Welcome to the New World Order, an order based on truth, justice and hard money. With this tools in our hands the sky is the limit, human creativity and imagination are far away from being explored in its totality.
A new wave of geniuses, creators, designers, and every type professionals is being developed and they will add their value to a common global network of commerce, based on truth, peace and voluntary exchanges. Exchanges based on value per value, not in value per violence or fiat privileges.
Thank to this system the dream of human freedom that our ancestors had and for which they gave their lives fighting for it is back in our hands. Every human soul participating in this project and adding value to it is a living part of it too. We are all Satoshi.
Thank you for your service Satoshi.
And remember: Fuck the Banks!
See you soon.