Fooling people into losing their money on a fixed game of chance called Wall Street.
There’s a “business” fixed game going on sucking the wealth from all around the world. This game consists of fooling people into losing their money on a fixed game of chance called Wall Street.
This game is not new at all, the stock market and speculation have been in existence for more than 2 centuries, maybe almost 300 years depending on what we consider exactly its beginning. But in the case of Wall Street specifically it has been running for 233 years from 1791 to the present. So we can easily talk about 233 years of financial manipulation as I'll explain here.
This game consists of fooling people who are trying to get something for nothing. But, as the game is made by others expressly for them to play, they usually get nothing for something.
I am simply giving cold facts known by every man in the profession, we are talking about finance! Currency speculation, market manipulation, bookkeeping fraud are part of the everyday business. It is only a question of turning the trick so smoothly as to be able to do it again, and so cleverly as to keep out of jail.
The man, the myth, the legend
Alfred Owen Crozier, the author of The Magnet, 1908 and US money vs Corporate Currency, 1912, among other titles, explained this machine and its mechanism better than anybody else (as far as i know), more than a century ago.
Still today more than 99,9% of the people have a hard time trying to understand the market dynamics and the cause of its fluctuations and trends. Sometimes they argue is the natural supply and demand law, maybe the news or more close to the real cause: central bank monetary policy.
A great conspiracy to gain control of the US monetary system and the elasticity of the currency was put in place during the beginning of the century. Big and powerful European bankesters were putting all the efforts to crown themselves as the business masters of the big and booming American economy.
Alfred Owen Crozier was a smart, intellectual and patriot lawyer paying a lot of attention to what was happening at the moment in the political scene, and he wrote his book warning the public about the consequences of this bill the bankers were trying to pass through congress in order to get total control of the county’s currency supply. He has proofs of this, letters with the president and bankers such as JPMorgan, who were trying to gaslight the real purpose and mechanism of this private monopoly over the currency.
The national currency is the life-blood of the people's welfare. We live in a civilized society made possible by scaled commerce. Being commerce the cornerstone of civilization, money, currency and credit are the spine to keep it straight and strong.
The original American spirit of the Republic, immortalized in its constitution, was to give the people sovereignty over their money: the life-blood of their activities, prosperity and happiness. They were escaping from the soulless and unjust European banking system, based on feudalism, fraud and violence.
We are talking about the DEBT-BASED FRACTIONAL RESERVE PRIVATE BANKING SYSTEM and its abusing and unfair tax codes.
This was exactly what the colonies and the founding fathers of the United States of America were escaping from. They created a new system, the American system, consisting of debt-free paper currency based on gold and silver (money), thus giving equal protection under the law and a stable supply of currency to carry commerce and grow the wealth of the country.
But the European bankers were not happy at all with this system and from the beginning they tried to replicate the European banking system in the new founded Republic. This plan consisted in re-establishing a DEBT-BASED FRACTIONAL RESERVE PRIVATE BANKING SYSTEM and a tax code to enforce it and fund it.
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies," Jefferson wrote. " If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around (these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
"The issuing power of currency shall be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
-Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States of America (1743-1823)
The money masters
It took many wars, three American president assassinations, many respected and patriot senators, congressman and other lawmakers killed including respected and patriot bankers and of course many artificially created financial panics to finally reach the banksters goal: Establishing their private bank with total control over the currency supply in 1913.
We are talking about the Federal Reserve banking cartel. The institution that prints these green bills we confusingly call “dollars” but in reality are just Federal Reserve notes; a private bank worthless promissory note (debt) with no substance to back it.
As many of you may know this institution is not federal (not part of the government) and it has no money / gold in its reserves (it’s never been audited in 111 years).
Anyways It has the monopoly over the creation of the global reserve currency. But it was not easy to reach the globe: Two world wars, millions of human beings sacrificed and multiple conferences and global agreements were necessary in order for this institution to get its monarch global power over the money and credit system.
History shows that great influential individuals in the business and financial world will go in pursuit of wealth and power at any cost of integrity and honor.
“The Wall Street machine is the embodiment of that inscrutable and mysterious power which executes the financial will of its invisible master, undetected, with predetermination and with infallible accuracy.
The desire to get rich quickly pervades the whole country. Everybody wants to do so easily. But only a few who are really on the inside understand just what is to happen. Many who consider themselves a part of the machine discover too late that they are only within it and enmeshed by its rapacious organs of digestion”
The Magnet, Alfred Owen Crozier
Who are these secret masters? You may ask, what's the black hand controlling this rigged game called Wall Street and how it actually works?
The real owners of the Federal Reserve are the following 12 trusts:
Rothschild Bank of London
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Rothschild bank of Berlin
Lehman Brothers of New York
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Goldman Sachs of New York
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
As you may have discovered New York is the chief pirate on the seas of finance, commerce and industry. As you may now also, Wall Street is located in New York.
New York financial pirates
This tree trust are the Wall Street masters, the black-hand behind every market manipulation working together with the Federal Reserve to literally control the market. Of course being private-non statutory trusts, you cannot see who it’s owners are, but lets guess… the same individuals who control the Federal Reserve.
The corporate world, Inc
The corporate world is moved by the corporate interest: profits for the shareholders. Profit at any cost, no matter what. It doesn't matter if you are breaking the law and committing crimes as long as you can pay corporate mercenaries (lawyers) to prove you innocent or at least get away with it, just paying a small fine.
It’s a well known fact that corporations evade the law and obtain immunity from punishment after deliberate and premeditated criminal violations. Corporate creatures, created by law, are above and exempt and not amenable to law; that the created are now greater than the creator. (inversion of the original purpose)
Lawyers who conspire with other lawyers of predatory corporations and powers to corruptly elect legislators to make laws, and public officials to administer them, knowing that they will in advance stipulate to break their official oaths, betray the interests of the people they are chosen to represent, and sacrifice public welfare, all for the financial benefit of the corporate clients of such lawyers.
Men must not do, hidden behind a corporate entity, what they would blush to do publicly as individuals.
But they do.
The morally deadening effect of service for a corporation, as an official or often merely as an employee, is one of the alarming symptoms of the times. Individual identity is submerged and lost in the corporate entity, and along with it, too often personality, business morality, and instincts of humanity suffer. Such a one becomes but a metallic cog in the drive-wheel of the golf, hard, cursing, corporate machinery. He now practices, advocates or condones acts by the corporation at which he would revolt if engaged in personal or unincorporated business. His official act, even when discretionary with himself, is in law but the act of the corporation. Therefore, he deems the responsibility solely upon the corporation not upon himself. He claims to be guilty of no immorality or inhumanity, for his act as a corporate instead of a personal one. His conscience has thus been subsidized, and his soul capitalized to limit moral liability.
The corporation itself, having no soul, no moral nature, cannot be guilty of immorality out of inhumanity- for it does not have moral feeling or sense. So neither the men nor his corporate master admits moral responsibility, no matter how reprehensible the act may be. Therefore, the world of the incorporated is largely devoid of humanity or business morality. As American business is now almost entirely conducted under corporate form the far reaching educational and socially demoralizing effects of this pregnant fact must be very apparent.
The Magnet, Alfred Owen Crozier 1908
Through dummy and controlled individuales the puppet masters have influence in every board of directors that is owned by this tree trusts. So this is the real top of corporate pyramid
Incorporated commerce
We do commerce in a corporate bubble. We live in a corporate bubble. In the modern world we are living in, we interact with corporations everyday.
History repeats itself after nineteen centuries. The people must now scourge the lawless money-changers and their incorporated allies from the sacred temple of political power. We have been eloquently told that the government should keep out of the banking business. This may be true. But it seems far more important that corporations be made to keep out of the government’s business.
In the realm of business, is it coming to be generally accepted that law integrity, or absence of legal liability, is a complete and sufficient substitute for the morality of honesty and honor for the purposes of this world.
The life of morals and of spiritual life must do the same.
The Magnet, Alfred Owen Crozier 1908
What would Jesus do? You guess…
The international banksters acting behind corporate entities have absolute control over the currency and the great panic-creating agencies to squeeze the wealth of the many producers and transfer it to the Great Parasite: The international banksters.
It’s a game where many lose and few win. The greater the loss of the ones the greater the gain of the others. This is ever the irrepressible conflict between the producers of wealth and the takers of it a.k.a the parasites. Those who steal the fruit of the labor of the producers.
Human cattle
The soulless individuals behind this soulless corporate and fictitious entities see humanity as slave laborers, or maybe just another pack animal. According to them, people are a lot of cattle, easily molded by money and brains.
They think: “A fool is born every minute and most of them stray into Wall Street before they die, and obligingly leave us their wealth”
The only difference is that humans are able to reason and question so in order to control them you have to control their minds and their mental models. That’s the reason why, hand in hand with the global money trust, educational institutions were created to legitimize it, justifying its existence and necessity for our society.
Of course that’s why I'm never told about all these things about money, currency, credit and market manipulation that I'm explaining here. And if somehow we are told about it, we are just given a toy version for kids of the real soulless machinery.
What im sharing with you now is one of the most, if not the most secret wisdom about our system that you can know. The only way to keep economic slavery going on is to keep the masses ignorant to this fact and all the subjects surrendering it.
The truth of the matter is that everyone exchanging their time and energy (working) in exchange for fiat currencies is somehow working for the corporate masters.
Modern slavery is defined as working for a currency that someone else can create out of thin air.
When this banks create currency and credit they steal the purchasing power of the monetary base thus stealing the time and energy of the labor force.
And those who can create can also destroy it, because they don't have to work for it. But what does this actually mean?
Money, currency and credit
First you have to remember there’s a big difference between money, currency and credit. Gold is money, everything else is credit, said JPMorgan in 1912. Because they created this private bank and they stole all the money from us (In 1933) they let us trade with debt based currency and bank credit since then.
Gold is money because it is naturally scarce, hard, divisible, shiny, recognizable and transportable. Since nature controls its supply, humans cannot easily manipulate the amount available and that is why it became the global standard for comerce from 1871 to 1971.
Although since 1913 it was partially / falsely paper currency backed by gold, or better defined as a bookkeeping ledger of debts and credits. In reality since 1913 we have been under a pure credit based system.
On the other hand, “paper” currencies have been easily created in unlimited amounts by central banks since 1971. I said “paper” because more than 95% of its supply is just numbers in the books of the banks a.k.a bank credits and does not exist in physical form, it's all government IOUs. This is what we know as “base money” today, those currencies are “backed” by bonds / debt of the government that issues them and we have to pay interest in order to keep the game going.
Then we have credit. Credit is legally defined as the right to be paid money in the future. Credit is what the lender has and debt is what the borrower has. So debt is the promise to pay money in the future.
Since the bankers stole all the gold they had to redefine money to mean currency, that in reality is the opposite of money (debt). So nowadays debt is the promise to pay currency (debt) in the future. It’s all IOUs.
So the things we use as “money” today are in reality government debts, or “base money”, central banks currency and then bank debts that are bank credits / tokens (the digits in your bank account)
But how can we call owing money “money”? Because they can print trillions of dollars and convince everyone about this fact. It’s fucking crazy when you take dimension.
This bank deposit, the digits in the computer is a debt from the bank, and the bank note for which you can exchange those credit for the same face value is also debt, but from the government. Both of this debts can be used as mediums of exchange, but they are not and they’ll never be money, only currency.
Keeping it simple
So to keep it simple, think about it in these terms: Gold is the physical, can not be easily manipulated / created or destroyed, it is not “elastic”. Currencies or “government money” / (public debt) is like weather or liquidity is very elastic and easily manipulated. That’s why we talked about it in these terms: current-sea, “ i'm running out of liquidity”, “i’m under the weather”, “drowning in debts”, etc. Currencies are like water in the sea of commerce.
Currency is the blood-stream of commerce because it is involved in every exchange of goods and services. It is 50% of every transaction if you think about it. So like the human body, commerce cannot survive without currency / water / blood.
Then the body also needs air, in the case of private commerce this is bank credit. Since we don’t always have the necessary currency to do business, banks will happily “lend us” some so we can grow the economy and create more goods and services. Sounds good right? If you don't understand how it really works it does.
Think about this: “Your money in the bank”
It’s not yours
It’s not money
It’s not in the bank
The elasticity of the currency supply
Elasticity is but another name for manipulation. With an elastic currency that can be created out of thin air you can inflate or contract at will to raise and lower interest rates and the prices of all property. This means that you have the power to manipulate the quotation prices of billions of listed securities up and down with the rapidity and ease of a pump-handle; and from the spacious spout of the Wall Street machine would flow huge volumes of profits in a never-ending stream into your coffers.
When you possess the money, currency and credit of the entire world it’s not so difficult to own the property of the world, and through this power dominate and rule the peoples of the world, including kings and emperors, czars and presidents as your servants.
"One other thing I will then want and will get, and that is absolute control over the currency of the country so that I can expand and contract it at will, making money scarce to depress prices and the wages of labor and to increase interest rates, making it abundant to increase prices and encourage people to borrow and indulge in general speculation in the securities I will manufacture by the billion and work of on the people in exchange for the balance of their money. Temporary lowering of the interest rate will induce more borrowing for such purposes.
It will al be in my hands. If I can't catch them one way, I can skin them another. With their money all invested in my companies, I will have my dummy directors stop paying dividends for a while and let them go hungry if the people refuse to submit to my will and domination. I guess they will then serve me and do what I say. But the control over the volume of their currency, with power of elasticity to expand and contract it at my will, instead of at the will of the people's responsible government, will give me the stranglehold on the people's interests and liberties to do with as I wish. I would rather have this power than be President, for then I will ever be the absolute and undisputed ruler of this virtuous and boastful republic.
The Magnet, Alfred Owen Crozier 1908
In general terms you’ll see something like this, with the international bankers having its hands on both levers like the great wizard of Oz (Or Wizard of the onces?).
Central bank monetary policy consists of the interest rates level; the higher the interest the less people borrow the lower inflation, the lower the interest the more people borrow the higher the inflation rate.
These two levers expand and contact the monetary supply causing different effects in each direction as you can see in this chart.
But all this introduction was to explain how Wall Street masters fool people into losing their money on their fixed and private game so let’s get into it.
Banking is based on legal fraud
The problem is that banks create these bank credits as tokens or IOUs and those tokens can be easily created (giving “loans”) and destroyed (calling or defaulting loans).
Under the incorporated fractional reserve banking system that we are operating right now banks can create around at least 10 times more tokens (actually closer to 100 mire times) than currency units they “hold in reserves” (statement that isn't true either because they don't hold any “cash” in a safebox). This means that those tokens (air) created by commercial banks as bank credits (IOUs) are piled and floating in the current-sea of liquidity created by central banks as an inverted pyramid.
Nowadays we are so used to using these tokens with bank transfers, checks, debit / credit cards that we think they are the same as government debts because we can use the ATM and withdraw our cash, but this is far from being the case.
Remember that these bank credits, or the number you see on the balance of your bank account are bank liabilities / debts. Those numbers represent your credit with the banks and the debt the bank owe you.
Everytime you deposit your paycheck or currency in the bank you are legally lending that to the bank and you have a credit (a promise from the bank to pay you back when you wish to withdraw).
Since the banks stole all the gold is It is the people's currency — their deposits — that banks want. Why? Because for every unit of currency they have they can create multiple times more tokens and collect interest and collaterals as profit. Banks literally have a license to create these tokens that we use as a medium of exchange, it is like creating the equivalent of money (but is debt). And they can do this with no effort while the regular people have to work hard to earn that currency and pay back their loan plus interest.
The interest rate is legally defined as the percentage that a borrower of money must pay to the lender in return for the use of the money. But we know that gold is money, everything else is credit according to one of the most famous and recognized banker in history. And we also know the bank never gave us any real money / gold.
So how can they charge you interest for “lending” you the equivalent of owning money. How can they lend us credit? You have to redefine worlds to make the bank credit / tokens be considered money, or in this case at least currency, but none of them is true.
The fact that you can exchange that bank credit for currency because they have the equivalent face value doesn't mean bank lended you currency. All they do is to “lend” bank credit or tokens.
And the worst part is that you have to pledge collateral (real wealth) to be given the privilege to access these bank tokens that can be created out of thin air. And then if you don't pay back the bank will take your property, maybe your home? from you.
This is obviously fraud but of course they don't want you to know this. This is the reason why we use mainly checking accounts, debit and credit cards and why they give you so many “benefits” and “incentives” to use this instruments.
Banks don't want people trading in cash because cash gives the people privacy and autonomy, things from which banks cannot profit.
Since currencies and credit are 50% of every transaction, if they force us to use bank credits every time we trade they can take a percentage of profit from them, thus making every product and service more expensive for us (inflation) and also forcing us to trade inside their incorporated corporate bubble where our rights are exchanged for “privileges” through contractual commercial obligations (taxes).
Using this private monetary system and paying this taxes is literally and legally optional. Do you think this private trust pay taxes? ha ha ha.
But as if all of this was fucking crazy, let me tell you even more.
A confidence game
This whole system is based on trust. In the case of the dollar the “Faith and credit of the United States”. The system is based on the premise that what was promised to pay it will be paid. But there’s a problem. Debts are mathematically impossible to repay and this is by design. Since there's more debt than currency the end game is that creditors will take the collateral pledge in order to have credit thus declaring themselves bankrupt.
At a public level international central bankers and credits steal the wealth of nations.
At an individual level commercial banks steal the wealth from the people.
Our monetary system is literally designed so your wealth is transferred to the banks that obtain it for free, without having to work or putting one cent of real money.
Since 90% of the “money” we use is bank credit a.k.a “money” that is owed by the banks to the depositors it is practically impossible to repay, because less than 5% exist as currency.
The system will work as long as people have confidence that they will be repaid what they were promised but since this is impossible you should take into consideration withdrawing all your currency from the bank.
Our monetary system is like the musical chair game. The chairs are the deposits, the bank credit holders are the players and the confidence or trust is the music. When the music stops there's not enough currency to pay the debts and banks are forced to sell every type of collateral they have in order to get more currency to pay the bank credits to their clients.
The problem is that many banks consider deposits once under their control as their absolute property to do with as they will within the letter of the law. So they use your deposit to speculate in the financial casino of Wall Street buying and selling securities and options.
"We who control these big deposit accumulations of the people, by acting in concert in expanding and contracting loans, can instantly and almost daily affect the prices of listed securities.
This leads to bank failures and financial panics. Artificially created by big “money” pools.
A bank run is when many people try to withdraw their currency at the same time forcing the bank to close its doors and declare bankruptcy. This is an inherent feature of the fractional reserve system that functions as a pyramid scheme where most of the people will end up losing their deposits.
But the main cause of these bank runs is the existence of margin trading operations.
Margin trading
Margin trading operations is when you pledge a security as collateral to take a loan and speculate buying and selling securities or options.
An "option" or a "margin" was what he called "a sure thing for the dealer" and an equally sure loss for the player.
Since the banks hold most of the public deposits they can use them to manipulate the price of securities such as bonds and stocks up and down as they wish using that information to make billions of dollars in a matter of a few hours. This elasticity of the credit supply is what facilitates the market manipulation. This is how it works:
1) Banksters encouraging millions of people into the gambling machine of Wall Street promising huge profits with no work or effort feeding human greed. Mere tricks of bookkeeping can be made to bull and bear these stocks.
2) They manipulate the news to create a climate of prosperity that justifies the rise of securities prices to induce more people to enter the slaughterhouse borrowing on margin to buy securities with “money” they don't actually have.
3) The important thing is to make currency scarce, to get immediately dumped on the market all kinds of listed securities in such volume that buyers can not take them, thus forcing down prices to the attractive point. They dump bigg amounts of securities to the open market at once lowering quotation prices forcing those margin loans collateral to be liquidated so they don't go under the water (negative numbers) causing the participant to lose all their wealth pledge as collateral. This causes fear among market participants that are willing to sell at a loss before losing all their money, reinforcing the fall of quotations.
4) This happens on a big scale to millions of participants forcing the quotation prices lower and lower creating a a contraction of the currency and credit supply forcing business into bankruptcy, leaving millions of workers in the streets and people taking their lives because they can not take the losses.
5) The banks use their clients’ deposits and leverage capacities / credit to buy securities when they are very cheap and then they repeat the cycle, effectively obtaining the wealth of their clients and market participants virtually free. Therefore, the greater the losses of the public, the larger the profits of the banksters.
This is obviously a legal crime. A game were they can't be beat. The public cannot even see the cards or the machine he plays with, and he wouldn't understand it if he did. He must always take their word that the play was fair and that they won their money honorably.
The Wall Street panic manufacturing machine always blame it on Providence, the Administration or any external factor to hide the crime.
The magnet, which attracts, the ignis fatuous which lures, is the ever-fluctuating manipulated , and controlled interest rate for call loans on the Stock Exchange. Its very purpose is to attract the money of the entire country to enter that gamblers paradise by way of speculation or as loans to enable speculation. The spirit which sends the country’s money there, seeking unlawful or unjust interest, is the same which impels those who borrow and gamble with it - the desire for unearned profits. It’s greed. It often leads to wholly illegal methods. As an example to trusted employees and to others, it is pernicious.
The Magnet, Alfred Owen Crozier 1908
Illustration from the book US Money vs Corporation 1912, Alfred Owen Crozier.
The manipulation is on both ways; they create pools of deposit to sustain and manipulate the securities up and down, catching the public both ways. Wall Street impartially collects interest and commissions from both sides of every round transaction. It’s like charging the speculators commission on their “plays”.
The newspapers are key to manipulating the public emotions and how they react to the market, inducing the public to take the losing side of every trade. They play with fear and greed ever time and it always works!
The game is about robbing stockholders by getting them to trust in the stock market.
Without the control of deposits of the people's “money” and the huge cash reserves of insurance policy-holders, Wall Street would be of little consequence.
And If 'margin' operations were prohibited it would be a fearful blow to the power of Wall Street.
Bitcoin, because fuck this guys!
They control us because they control our mediums of exchange and stores of value.
Currencies, credit, stocks, bonds, real state, the businesses, among others.
This is why bitcoin is a double kill for this parasites so we can stop feeding them.
But it’s crucial to develop this period of spreading its use as a medium of exchange not just a store of value.
Fuck Banks!
And thank you Satoshi for Bitcoin,
Until next time.